
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance is on Steam

And here is the stuff you need to know to make the most of it.

The following was linked to me by Agret, who originally wrote it.

In short:
1. Install FAForeverLobby
2. Install the FAForever Steam Files.

3. Create an account on FAForever 
 Start Menu
  -> Programs
   -> Forged Alliance Forever - Lobby 
    -> Forged Alliance Forever - Lobby.exe

If you have any issues logging in after creating an account,
just restart the program. If register pops up after you have
registered, close out of it and the login form should come up.

OPTIONAL Map Packs: -But recommended for FAF play.
(1.23 GB)  Unknown Map Pack (02-12-2011.rar)
(41.85 MB) FA Ladder Maps (FA_Ladder_Maps.rar)
(21.28 MB) Sting Map Pack (Sting Map Pack.rar)

Download the above map packs and extract directly to:
 My Documents 
  > My Games 
   > Gas Powered Games 
    > Supreme Commander Forged Alliance 
     > Maps
Using the FAFLobby, you can filter Official and Custom maps, so don't be worried about a spam map list.

Worth noting, I don't personally use the FAF service (the public server browser part); I think I actually had trouble getting it working (as I do with most networking stuff), so I just went back to using Hamachi and playing with just my mates on LAN, which works fine; the only thing you do differently is run the new exe in the following dir: [...]steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\binFAF, which is the custom lobby exe, meaning you get all the advanced AI and settings options when hosting a game.

Apparently the dude who made the new AI did such a good job that he now works for Gas Powered Games, w00t. The new lobby and maps are handy to have, and doing any of this guide does not interfere with your actual steam install; the mods are in the folder mentioned above. Enjoy!


Andrew Fox said...

Oh and worth noting that if your router isn't the one that Telstra gave you that FAF browser works fine and it actually has people playing online, unlike the steam browser.

d said...

Lol, I need a new router so bad. And yeah, don't get me wrong; I would use FAF every time if I could.